still here
What's been going on with baby? Let's see, last doctor appointment was August 10th. It was a quick visit. I had to use the bathroom when I arrived so I asked if I could go on and do the sample and they let me back, well since I was back there the nurse I know told me to stay and they would go ahead and start. Everything looked well. I had gained 2 pounds, so that puts at plus 3 pounds since getting pregnant which they said was perfect but I thought gaining 2 pounds was a bit much. I hope I haven't gained at my next appointment which is August 31 st. I will be exactly 20 weeks 2 days then I think. I'm sure I will have gotten bigger so I will probably have gained. Everything looked good, urine, blood pressure and weight so we listened to the heart beat and that was perfect too. I set up the ultrasound appoinment so my husband could take off to be there. It will be October 24th and I will also do the gestational diabetes test then as well. I will be 28 weeks then. I don't have too much longer to wait, I'll go to the August 31st, appointment, then one in September and then the next will be the big one!! Mama is going to try to get the shower arranged at church to be the 1st or 2nd weekend in November. This weekend we went out of town and got some really cute baby things from mama. She bought some jeans from Old Navy and lots of sleepers from Carter's and Penney's. We have all the clothes we have so far hanging in the closet. Mama also got a towel and some wash cloths and crib sheets. We are off to a good start!!
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