Steps to a Family

I am 23 and married. We are now a family of 3!

Thursday, December 14, 2006


It's been awhile. So we had our 32 week DA. It was on December 5th. Nothing major. In and out. Belly was measuring a *little* big. Total weight gain I believe was at 25 pounds. *sigh* I only wanted to gain 25 total. I did have to take an antibiotic for a cold and went ahead and got a diflucan to knock out a yeast infection that may come from taking anti's but me thinks it didn't work and me thinks I may be slightly infected there! Back at week 30 the doctor said I'd have a sonogram to check for size around week 35, so that was this morning. I'm going to copy the email I sent out instead of recapping the story again!
"Hey, update on sonogram just letting you all know at once instead of typing it more than one time and I don't have time to call since I haven't been at work much today!
Didn't have a very smart technician at the hospital. Mama asked her one time "was that a arm" and her response was "Yeah, it is!!.....I mean..I think it is" THen mama asked if that was the head and the girl said "I guess, it's the stomach I think..yep, because the head is here". So we basically quit asking questions, not sure how accurate the poor girl was. She was really nice, just not quite all there. She had to bring in another girl at the end to find his man parts because she couldn't get it and he is def still a 'he'!! They send all the results over to my doctor and I guess they will go over them with me next week, she did mention that he was weighing around 6.4 or 6.5 pounds so he's at a good weight and he was measuring a few weeks ahead, but like I said, we didn't ask her anything because all her answers were followed by "I think" so anyway, go to my regular appointment next Wednesday afternoon and I guess they'll let me know more then. We did get to see him practice breathing and she said he had hair on his head and got to see his face really good this time! He had some chubby cheeks..signed the release to get an epidural if I want one..I'll just say you dont' want to know ALL the things that can go wrong with ya the heeby jeebies!"

His face was SOOO cute, it was very detailed to not be 3d or anything. The hospital has a 4d machine but they said as far along as I am we would not be able to see much. There has to be a lot of fluid. So I go back to the doctor on December 20th and I'll have the strep test. I don't know if they'll wanna do a cervical check then or not. I was totally against them, but I have been having contractions so I am kinda curious if I am changing any, but since I dont' want to get my hopes up I may turn it down if they offer.


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