Much Needed Update
Let's see, since I last wrote I have been to the doctor twice and go back again in two weeks. I wanted to have in record some symptoms I have felt that I may or may not have recorded.
*nausea-off and on. This began probably around week 5 or 6ish. Sometime around here I threw up every morning for a week, then I went for about week without it. Then another week with it, and then only once a week for a little while. Also until about week 12, I would get sick if I ate or if I didn't eat or if I waited too long to eat. I must keep this in mind next go round!
*cramping- I remember feeling it when it was time for my period and for the next few weeks after that. It kind of freaked me out but I read where it is ligament stretching and normal. Now, at 16 weeks I still feel pulling every now and then, but it's different and not like cramping.
*spotting- None, thank goodness. Haven't had to worry with that.
*yeast infection- had it since getting pregnant in April and last Thursday (7-27-06) I was able to get a RX for it. We'll see how it works!
*Headaches- Oh do they ache! Get them pretty regular! Thursday my midwife suggested taking Tylenol allergy and if that works take a Clariton every morning. She also suggested sleeping with a humidifier. I have done neither of these and have no relief as I sit here at work with a headache.
*Sleeplessness- I went for a week or two where I just COULD NOT SLEEP. I couldn't fall asleep and I woke up all during the night. Most nights I figured I slept maybe 3 hours. Then worked and went to school. Now, I think *knock on wood* things are better. I still wake up off and on but can go back to sleep.
*Bathroom breaks- I get up SEVERAL times a night to pee. It started early on and I think it's slacking off and will hopefully stay that way until 3rd trimester
*Foods- Luckily enough for me I haven't not craved anything sweet really. I figured I would and I still might later on. I drink water like crazy and right now I am sipping on a coke to hopefully rid my headache. I am LOVING fruits. I really can not eat sandwhichs or chips. Every now and then I want a baked potato or pizza but overall I don't eat very much which everyone seems to notice!
*Weight- Thursday at my 16 week appointment (15 weeks 2 days) I had finally gained one pound! I am proud! I was scared it'd be like 10 or something!
On Tuesday, July 11th I stayed home from work and also visited the doctors office for an unscheduled visit. Sunday night I hadn't slept a wink and barely made it through Monday. I even skipped class that night. I was sick at work all day Monday using the bathroom and throwing up. I was wore out..had no energy. I didn't sleep Monday night either so I called into work. Monday I had also noticed a rash like thing at the top of my thighs. So I called the doc and told them the deal and they said come in Tuesday. So I did and nothing was wrong. But I did get to hear my little bean's heartbeat!!! The midwife I saw (not my regular one) almost cancelled my regular appointment that was to be in 2 weeks but thankfully she didn't!
Thursday July 27th was my normal appointment. 1 pound weight gain so far. Everything was good. Got to see the midwife for about 10 minutes! Heard the heartbeat, it was bliss!! I went alone to this appointment. My midwife scheduled me to come back in two weeks (August 10th) and then again 3 weeks from then. At that appointment I will be 20 weeks 2 days and she says they like you to be on the even numbers (20 weeks, 24, etc) So I don't mind. Also in 2 weeks, I'll be 17 weeks 2 days and that's when they would do the AFP test (downs screening, etc) but I am going to decline that. She also said they would do another ultrasound but not until 28 weeks and that's when they would tell the gender but we're not going to find out!!! YAY!