Steps to a Family

I am 23 and married. We are now a family of 3!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Yesterday (09/27/06) was my most recent checkup. I forgot to mention in my last post that when I went on 09/27/06, I had gained 5 pounds since my last visit..which was only 2 weeks before. I was terrified. This was the time period where my belly REALLY popped out, so I put it due to that. But I did try to change my eating habits and walk more because I knew my regular appointment was only two weeks away. So as of yesterday I didn't gain anything in the last 2 weeks! YAY. My total so far is 11 pounds at 24 weeks, in my 25th week. Everything was right on cue. She said my weight gain is perfect so far and to keep up the good work, so I know the hard part of the weight gain is yet to come so I have to keep my mind set. It'll be winter soon and you know most people put on winter pounds anyway, so I've got to be extra careful. We listened to the heartbeat, I think it was like 156. She felt of my uterus and said it was right on target! So I go back in 4 weeks on October 24th for the GCT and sonogram. Mama and my hubby are going with me and we are going to try to get my dad to run in for the sonogram so he can see the baby and hear the heartbeat!

Haven't really had any symptoms or complaints. Sometimes I feel extremely huge and stretched like my whole stomach is full and other times I feel normal. Just depends. I don't really get hungry a lot or anything like that. No weird or normal cravings. Trying to avoid lots of carbs and sugars. I am trying to drink more milk. Baby is moving a lot lately and getting really strong!! I do notice I get winded more and have to make myself sit up straight so I can breathe well. In the past I could still lay on my back and be fine, now I find myself waking up on my back and have to catch my breath. I read that can happen and it's fine, just roll over.


This was the Friday before our vacation. During lunch I noticed a little bright red spotting. I was alone at my parents house, my docs office didn't open back up until 1:30 (this was about 12:20 or so) so naturally I freak myself out. I get back to work and start calling the office every few minutes just in case they start answering the phone early. At 1:20 I called my mom and told her. She told me not to worry (I had a yeast infection) and that was probably the cause of it. I wanted to get checked out since it was Friday and I didn't want to end up having to go to the emergency room if it happened anymore. After reaching the doc office they told me to come in and get checked to be sure and put my mind at ease. I had my mom meet me there. I called my husband on the way. He was working out of town and I wanted to call him afterwards, but I needed to speak to him. So then I guess I probably had him all worried until I called him back. My midwife did a cervical exam and said my whole area down there was very irritated and said my cervix was irritated due to a yeast infection, which in turn caused some spotting. WHEW. Relief. My mom asked her if we could do a quick ultrasound. I was about 23 weeks at the time and hadn't had one since 11 weeks and my next one wasn't until 28 weeks. So she did and we go to see the precious little one, weighing in at 1 pound 3 oz. He/she was sleeping curled up inside, kicking every now and then. It was so great. I wished all my family was there to see!!

Monday, September 11, 2006

baby shower

November 3rd, 2006

YAY! Now I have something to look forward to and countdown towards!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Wanted to record

I just wanted to make sure I had down when MOH felt the baby move for the first time, it was last night. We were watching tv and I was laying on the couch. The baby was going crazy so I told MOH to come sit with me and just put his hand on my stomach and see if the baby would move and he did get to feel the baby a few times.